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Category: Autocad

  • How to make DXF in Autocad and import DXF layout in STAAD.Pro?

    Creating a centerline drawing from a beam column layout and exporting it as DXF will help it to be imported in STAAD.Pro. You can create the centerline the way you want, but here we have shown a method which is a quicker one we feel. The ultimate choice is with you about how to make…

  • How to remove field background in Autocad?

    Many a times we use fields in the texts in Autocad drawings. By default the field background comes grayish white. It annoys us. We want to remove it as soon as possible. Here is how it looks like. You can remove this background by setting fielddisplay value to 0. Just type fielddisplay and it will…

  • How to write text below dimension line in Autocad?

    Here is a simple way to write text below dimension line. Just press X (Backslash followed by capital x) and type your text. You have written text below dimension line. Here is how it looks like. Some more topics you may like to read Shortcuts of Autocad. Basic Commands in Autocad? How to see the…

  • How to see dialog window in Autocad?

    Sometimes, when you run an AutoCAD command that usually displays a file selection dialog window, you instead receive a prompt at the command line. You find it cumbersome to save the file to a particular place or select a particular file in such case. This is because FILEDIA variable is by default became 0. Follow the…

  • How to set the units format and precision in Autocad?

    Before you start to draw, you must decide what one drawing unit represents based on what you plan to draw. You can convert a drawing between systems of measurement by scaling it. Every object you create is measured in drawing units. Before you start to draw, you must decide what one drawing unit will represent…

  • What are the shortcuts of commands in Autocad?

    Here are short cut keys for commands in autocad. enjoy the faster cad. A          ARC                 Draw an arc AL        ALIGN               Align an object with another AP       APPLOAD        Opens application load dialogue box AR       ARRAY             Opens array dialogue box AUDIT  AUDIT               Audit drawing for errors AV       DSVIEWER       Opens ariel view of drawing B          BLOCK            …

  • How to convert a drawing from inches to centimeters in Autocad?

    To convert a drawing from inches to centimeters Click Modify menu –> Scale. At the Select Objects prompt, enter all. All objects in the drawing are selected for scaling. Enter a base point of *0,0. Scaling will be relative to the world coordinate system origin and the location of the drawing origin will remain at the…

  • what are the basic commands of autocad?

    Here are some basic commands of autocad to help you start learning autocad. LINE: Draws straight lines between two points Command: LINE (enter) From Point: (pick a point using the mouse) To Point: (Pick a point using the mouse) To Point: (Press return to end the command) CIRCLE: Draws circles of any size. Command: Circle…